Rail Safety - Surface Engineering 2

Rail Safety - Surface Engineering 2


Rail Safety, Surface Engineering

User Role

Regional Manager


  • Consultation

  • Oversight

  • Complaints

  • Assessment

  • Inspection planning

  • Visualization

  • Reference, etc


  1. Information in the Rail Safety layers provide a consolidated quick reference to most railway infrastructure and features without having to go to multiple independent TC data systems to find the same information.

  2. It is often used to identify the location of railway related issues when complaints or questions are received from the public or their representatives (municipal governments, road authorities, landowner, etc…) who have difficulty in describing location details other than by local references.

  3. The Rail Safety Branch regularly uses Google Earth layers to identify railways (tracks, yards, compounds, etc…) and railway/roadway intersections. They are used to plan railway crossings inspections and obtain historical data/imagery to determine changes to railways and adjacent lands that may have affected railway crossing use; contributed to trespassing; or to provide insight into complaints regarding railway operations. It commonly used in ministerial, briefings, etc… to provide TC management context with regards to railway issues that are identified by railway nomenclature (railway subdivision, yard, etc) or by road name or section, township, range.

  4. The plotting of accident data is important in that it provides a visual representation of incidents that helps identify “hot spots” that would otherwise be difficult to identify strictly by data analysis.

  5. I believe that plotting of other data sets (inspection defect data, complaints, etc…) would be similarly helpful in improving the effectiveness of our inspection programs.

Benefit / Outcome

  1. TC Smart Maps has been one of the best managed and helpful systems I have seen produced by the government in my 25 years. It has saved me and my staff countless hours of work and saved significant amount of money resources in inspection travel to locations to obtain information and also in conveying the information to decision makers/senior management.

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