AMES Service Requests
To request a level change, an email from the requester’s supervisor (for example, a TTL or a Chief) to the A.M.E.S. generic inbox (see below) confirming appropriate training is enough to request a level change. Upon receipt of the required information AARTM will assign the required A.M.E.S. access and notify the individual via email. Regions are to forward an email to AARTM with the following information:
The individuals branch/division designator (e.g. AARTM)
Level of access requested (Regional personnel):
level 2, editing rights
level 3, read only
Confirmation that appropriate training has been completed
The need for A.M.E.S. access (i.e. exam invigilator, etc)
The individuals employment status (indeterminate or casual/term)
Note: Any correspondence should be sent to the mailbox. This will prevent unnecessary delays if an individual is away from the office.