Developer access to eMER on PROD

Developer access to eMER on PROD


Set up 2FA PROD account by directing inserting GCkey MBun info (this below script is provided by Michelle Le) → if we want the access to eMER prod as CAMIS admin

Developers should not be added as a CAME via CAMIS Admin on Production because developers should not be listed in the CAME drop-down.

Developers should not be added as a CAME via CAMIS Admin on Production because developers should not be listed in the CAME drop-down.

You will require a unique stakeholder id in the table AC040 for an external account. Get next value from sequence: SELECT AC040_STAKEHOLDER_ID_SEQ.nextval FROM dual; **This will be used as the STAKEHOLDER_ID for the external (CAME account) You will also require a 12 character password which is separate from the password for a CAMIS internal account. Note: GLOBAL_USERID_LBL is just a random string of 12 alphanumeric characters. You can use sites like StrongPasswordGenerator (Get a Safe Password Now) - Privacy Canada to generate the string Replace the values in the example with those pertaining to the new CAME account for developers. Example: Phuong stakeholder id = 3670, Mbun is [yourMBUN], GLOBAL_USERID_LBL = 1VBEZE4QB4HZ, Activation_CODE_TXT: 1CPQKPBFSS3C8JSA INSERT INTO TWOFA.AC040_STAKEHOLDER (STAKEHOLDER_ID, STAKEHOLDER_TYPE_CD, NAME_FIRST_NM, NAME_LAST_NM, STAKEHOLDER_CREATED_ID, GLOBAL_USERID_LBL, USER_LAST_UPDATE_ID) VALUES (3670, 2, 'Phuong', 'Nguyen', 1, '1VBEZE4QB4HZ', 1); INSERT INTO TWOFA.AC002_XREF_APPLICATION_USER (STAKEHOLDER_ID, APPLICATION_CD, ROLE_CD, STAKEHOLDER_CREATED_ID, USER_LAST_UPDATE_ID) VALUES (3670, 1, 1, 1, 1); Insert into TWOFA.AC044_EXTERNAL_STAKEHOLDER (STAKEHOLDER_ID, STAKEHOLDER_TYPE_CD, IDENTITY_ISSUER_TXT, IDENTITY_MBUN_NUM, ACTIVATION_CODE_TXT, DATE_ACTIVATED_DTE, TELEPHONE_NUMBER_NUM, STAKEHOLDER_CREATED_ID, DATE_CREATED_DTE, DATE_LAST_UPDATE_DTE, USER_LAST_UPDATE_ID) Values (3670, '2', 'https%3A%2F%2Fclegc-gckey.gc.ca', '[yourMBUN]', '1CPQKPBFSS3C8JSA', SYSDATE, '3435480275', 1, SYSDATE, SYSDATE, 1); if you don't have a GCKey for eMER Production already, you will need to sign up for one. Find [yourMBUN] by go to this link https://gart.tc.gc.ca/secure/piu/saml UPDATE TWOFA.AC044_EXTERNAL_STAKEHOLDER SET IDENTITY_MBUN_NUM = '[yourMBUN] WHERE STAKEHOLDER_ID = 3670