How to Fix NORMS When It Displays Nothing When Running Locally

How to Fix NORMS When It Displays Nothing When Running Locally

If you run NORMS and instead of seeing the splash screen you get a blank screen, then there are a number of fixes that may work for you. After each fix, try rebuilding and running NORMS to see if it resulted in it working correctly.

How the issue looks on the splash page
How the splash page should appear



Fix 1: Install CLFPage and CLFPagePlugin

Follow the instructions in the following document to install CLFPage and CLFPagePlugin: Fixing CLF Pages 4


Fix 2: Install StreamTagFilter

Follow the section in this document that explains how to install StreamTagFilter: https://tcmarin.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/MAR/pages/2005499905/How+to+Set+up+SVCP+to+run+the+Production+UI+DEV+ACC+PROD?preview=%2F2005499905%2F2001960989%2FSTREAMTAGFILTER_FOR_CWMS_ADMINISTRATORS.doc

If you are having issues installing StreamTagFilter, please close Visual Studio

Fix 3: Update TC Templates

  1. Go to the shared NORMS drive \\Tc4s0a\groups\AARA\AARAD\NORMS\TC-Templates

  2. Copy the zip file to your computer

  3. Go to “C:\Program Files (x86)\Transport Canada“ and zip your own TC Templates for backup purposes

  4. Unzip the file from the shared drive you got in step 2 and copy all files and folders into C:\Program Files (x86)\Transport Canada

This fix may result in IIS Express issues, which are fixed in the next fix

Fix 4: Change IISExpress’s application.host

The previous fix may’ve resulted in Visual Studio giving the following error message


That’s okay, this will fix the issue and should result in NORMS running correctly

  1. Go to The NORMS shared drive (\\Tc4s0a\groups\AARA\AARAD\NORMS) and copy the file application.config file to your IISExpress config folder (Most likely Documents\IISExpress\config)

  2. Open application.conig in Visual Studio

  3. Go to line 165 and change the physical path to where the NORMS web.config is located on your machine


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