How to run the Dev-EIG branch of NORMS locally

How to run the Dev-EIG branch of NORMS locally

Due to a package seemingly removed from nuget, you will need to do the following to run NORMS locally:


  1. Set up a local folder to get the NORMS code and do a get all

  2. Go to that NORMS folder you’ve downloaded the code to, then into its packages folder and delete every item

  3. Go to \\Tc4s0a\groups\AARA\AARAD\NORMS and copy the CWMS.Utilities.1.0.1 folder into the packages folder

  4. Open the Visual Studio solution file

  5. Add references to CWMS.Utilities.dll (Located in your NORMS\packages\CWMS.Utilities.1.0.1\lib\net45 folder) to the following:

    1. Norms.Apllication.Services

    2. Norms.Application.Web

    3. Norms.Domain.WorkflowWizards

6. NORMS also requires TCMailer to be added to references in the projects Norms.Application.Services and Norms.Application.Web. A TCMailer dll should be located on your machine at C:\Program Files (x86)\Transport Canada\TC Mailer 3.0, but if it is not, copy the TC Mailer 3.0 folder from \\Tc4s0a\groups\AARA\AARAD\NORMS into the packages folder and add it the same way CWMS.Utilities was added.

You should now be able to build the NORMS solution and run it.

Note: If you have been running the Entrust TruePass code, you will also need to clear your browser cache to run it because the EIG code gets your user info in a slightly different manner

Note: If you can compile the code but are greeted with an error page mentioning Oracle, please go through this document: How to get NORMS running locally if there are Oracle issues

Note: If you can compile the code and NORMS runs but has nothing appear on the actual webpage, please see this article: How to Fix NORMS When It Displays Nothing When Running Locally


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