Refreshing NORMS Databases

Refreshing NORMS Databases

Database Refresh

For the database refresh please refer to the Confluence Database Refresh page and linked document.

For the database refresh please refer to the Confluence Database Refresh page and linked document.


Refresh of NORMS Development:

A refresh of NORMS Development was completed in April 2023: see
257282 NORMS - Development - Database Refresh from Prod

A refresh of the NORMS Development database was requested in late October, confirmed to be OK in early November. Refer to Bug 210814 Refresh of NORMS Development Database and its subtask.

Issues encountered with the refresh on development in November 2022


After the refresh, there was an issue with the materialized view mv003_country. The dba checked and advised me that the materialized view had not refreshed automatically as it should have.

The resolution was as recommended by the dba: for the dba to drop and recreate mv003_country. I
Provided the script from NORMS Production, accessed via TOAD as shown below:


Refresh of NORMS Acceptance:

A refresh of the NORMS Development database was requested in late October, confirmed to be OK in early November. 210868 NORMS - Acceptance - Database Refresh from Prod


Issues encountered with the refresh on acceptance:

After the refresh, there was an issue with the materialized views MV003_COUNTRY and MV041_NORMS_SEARCH.

After the dba confirmed that the issues with the materialized views MV003_COUNTRY and MV041_NORMS_SEARCH were resolved I received an error on a “smoke” test of creating/saving a new occurrence. See 210969 Unable to save a new occurrence in acceptance (it does work in Development).

The dba resolved the issue by regenerating the synonyms and grants.



  • Verified that the following links point to development databases and not production databases:

    • Note: TG4MSQL.world is not active, as confirmed by Andrée Lavallée


  • The following DB Links point to development as confirmed by Andrée Lavallée. She also told me that she doesn’t refresh the DBLinks when a refresh is performed.



  • Verified that the following links point to acceptance databases and not production databases:



Database Compare

To perform a database compare please see the Confluence Database Compare document.


I have performed database compare on development vs production. I reviewed these results with Chris Collins. Please refer to task



I have performed a database compare on acceptance vs production. Please refer to task
212000 Post Refresh Database comparison: NORMSA and NORMSP in TOAD








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