Where NORMS receives data from

Where NORMS receives data from

At current time of writing, NORMS receives data from 5 different databases.

NORMS Database:

The NORMS database is the primary database used for NORMS. It is currently managed by Civil Aviation, and if you are reading this document, you are likely part of the team that works with it.

In the web.config, the connection string called “DomainContext” is the connector for the code to the database.

RODS Database:

The RODS database is a rail database used to send NORMS rail reports. At time of writing, NORMS has little to no rail functionality and currently is only used by aviation groups.

In the web.config, the connection string called “RodsConnection” is the connector for the code to the database.

ASIS Database:

The ASIS database is an aviation database that sends NORMS reports that can be delivered to the Transportation Safety Board. Through delivery of its data, it can generate full reports, and NORMS itself will indicate when a report was generated by ASIS with a tag on the top-right of a report.

This will be shown on a report if it was generated by ASIS
This will be shown on a report if it was created within NORMS

In the web.config, the connection string called “AsisConnection” is the connector for the code to the database.

CAWIS Database:

This database is an aviation database currently managed by civil aviation that contains more detailed information that CCARCS does for aircraft. It is currently used to get engine information automatically for the users on a manually created report, in order to function similarly to the automatically generated ASIS reports mentioned above.

In the web.config, the connection string called “CawisConnection” is the connector for the code to the database.

CCARCS Database:

This database is the core database of civil aviation, containing a lot of aircraft information. It isn’t directly accessed by NORMS, but rather passes information into the NORMS database via materialized views.


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