Fix to the wrong candidate entrance issue

This is the issue when the wrong candidate is entered for an exam…

We will use this example

 In FTAE – CDE – External Auditing, under FTU 1104 Durham Flight Centre Inc. The wrong candidate 113117 (Newton John Henry Little) was entered. The correct candidate should be 848619 (Slawomir Terlecki). The examination itself has already been moved into the correct file number (848619).

  1. Verify that the data is in-accurate

  2. Login to FTAE

  3. Click the CDE icon, external auditing

  4. Scroll to FTU 1104 (You will see the wrong candidate 113117 (instead of 848619)

  5. Change the candidate_5802 number in two TABLES

    SELECT *


    WHERE CANDIDATE_5802 IN ('113117')


    Modify the Correct record by changing CANDIDATE_5802 from 113117 to 848619


  6. Ensure that the record has changed by clicking the Retrieve Again button in FTAE application