Transportation Infrastructure Program
Canada’s economy and way of life are directly tied to its national transportation infrastructure system. The Transportation Infrastructure Programs Directorate integrates the project management of the various facets of infrastructure, by managing federal funding for:
Federal bridges.
Canada Open Data
Infrastructure Canada
Use Cases
Description | Source | Format | Date | Update Frequency | Metadata | Cost | Link | Remarks |
Transportation Infrastructure Programs | CSV | 2018 | On-going | Free | Canada Open Data has no Lat/Long |
CSV file from Canada Open Data does not have Lat/Long but contains more project details.
Join two datasets to create a super set using Province and Project Name as primary key.
???For the table project list, it has 13848 records, and for the mapdata table, it has 14797 lines. there are 900 records different.
[10:47 AM] Lawrence Chong Ok. Skip the join as the two dataset are not structured the same.
[10:49 AM] Lawrence Chong As you can see in my latest workflow, I have dropped the join because it is not yielding the expected result.
Process for EGIS integration
CSV File Transformation:
CSV can be integrated directly into ArcMap and ArcGIS.
TC Smart Maps:
Not all GIS applications can consume KML file directly due to its unique data structures such as networklinks, folders, models etc.
Please contact Lawrence Chong, Digital Services Directorate for TC Smart Maps KML dataset and format translation.
TC Smart Maps KML link: \\\tcgis\GISData\Google Mashup\TransportationInfrastructurePrograms\APGCTIF Projects.kmz
Schema transformation: Not required
Denormalization: Not required
Value coding: Not required
Attribute renaming: As required to improve readability
Attribute removal: It is highly recommended as some fields are unnecessary, this will also reduce file size and improve performance
Geoenrichment: Feature symbolization by theme is recommended
Format translation: Geocoding using Lat/Long values
Language translation: French version available
Update frequency: Frequent