How to Create a NORMS User for Development Purposes

How to Create a NORMS User for Development Purposes

In Development

Step 1: Open NORMS Development, then go to the User page


Step 2: Press the “Add” button at the top of the list


Step 3: Lookup the user by name (first or last) and select the user


Step 4: If they are a developer, set their branch to AARB, check all three boxes, and click add

Note: The AARB is not listed when we add developers that are not in NCR. The following update statement will take care of that:

update AC041_INTERNAL_STAKEHOLDER set TC_REGION_CD = 4, TC_DIRECTORATE_CD = 'AARB' where STAKEHOLDER_ID=<stakeholder_id>; commit;

If You Cannot Find The User In Development, Do The Following

Step 1: Open NORMS Production, and create the user using the same four steps as outlined above

Step 2: Open TOAD and connect to the NORMSP data base

Step 3: Navigate to the AC041_INTERNAL_STAKEHOLDER table


Step 4: Sort the data by STAKEHOLDER_ID descending

Step 5: Verify that the latest information is the correct user name, and copy the data to an Excel table


Step 6: Connect to the NORMSD database, and navigate to the AC040_STAKEHOLDER table, and sort it by descending STAKEHOLDER_ID (Same as step 4, but a different table)

Step 7: Insert a new row, giving a STAKEHOLDER_ID as 1 higher than the current maximum, and STAKEHOLDER_TYPE as 1. Commit the change to the database

Step 8: Go to AC041_INTERNAL_STAKEHOLDER, and copy the information from the Excel table into the table, changing the STAKEHOLDER_ID to match the one added in step 7. Ensure that TSB_LIASON_IND is 1, otherwise the user may have difficulty accessing NORMS dev

Step 9: Repeat steps 6-8 for acceptance and pre-acceptance


See How to Create a NORMS User on Production for support purposes for adding users to prod for support purposes


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