Request 3 - Annual Extract for Transportation Economic Analysis group

Request 3 - Annual Extract for Transportation Economic Analysis group

In February of each year, the Transportation Economic Analysis group requests an extract of summed totals, and percentages, broken down by operational type.

They normally forward a copy of the last spreadsheet given to them, and a new extract is simply placed into the report below the values for the previous year, and returned to them.

Note: it is necessary to extract data for ALL years 1994 through Current-year-1 , since the owners are permitted to submit AAIR data for any missing years when they submit for the current reporting period. So totals for previous years can change somewhat


The code for doing the extract is at :

However, due to time, and memory issues, its suggested to execute in only 2-3 years intervals, then cut and paste that data into the spreadsheet as it appears.




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