Switching a delegate's region in NDWL

Switching a delegate's region in NDWL

This is not a regular practice. Generally, the NDWL System Administrator would create a separate user account for the delegate by region.

To switch a region you need to modify the RGN_CD value in the following tables:


  • USR


NOTE: Use the following steps to accomplish this using TOAD:

  • Modify the RGN_CD in the NAPA_WEB_USERS_RGN table to the new value.

  • Duplicate the row in the USR table for the delegate and then change the RGN_CD to the region requested.

  • Modify the RGN_CD to correspond to the requested region for the existing user role for the delegate in the USER_ROLE table.

  • For the last step, delete the original row from the USR table for the delegate original RGN_CD.



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