Execute the code provided, and export the results to C:\data\aair\data.txt
This can take, 15-20 minutes to complete, due to the size of the query.
Take a copy of the last report, for example :
from the CAWIS reports directory at:
And copy it to C:\data\AAIR
Rename the file AAIRDATA-(current-date).XLXS
where current-date = today's date.
Open the file, highlight and delete the old data, now the cells are mostly pre-defined in the way we want them. Notice that Tab-2 contains all the data definitions and descriptions.
Import DATA.TXT into Tab-1 of AAIRDATA-(current-date).XLXS, taking care to define each date & long-numeric field as TEXT, since EXCEL has a tendency to convert these over to scientific notation.
Click SAVE and copy the new file back to