Manufacturer/Model Tables, Data Sources and Usage
List of CAWIS tables involved with the Manufacturer/Model process
CAWIS Table | Description |
Y60_Manufacturer | Contains a Manufacturer_id and a Party_id. The Party_id links to Y50_party which gives us the Type_certificate_holder_country/country-of-design (TCH) and then links to Y56_Organization for full description (Note : Character Limit 20) |
TR24_Model | Contains each unique occurrence of Model_id which is linked to Manufacturer_id on Y61,Y62 (Note : Character Limit 20) |
Y61_Make_Model | This is where all Manufacturer_ids/Model_ids are initially mapped together |
Y62_Product_make_model | This is where the Manufacturer/Model mappings formed in Y61, are mapped to Product types A = AIRCRAFT E = ENGINE P = PROPELLER F = FLOAT S = SKI Q = EQUIPMENT |
Z980_Term_Conversion | Z980 acts as an Auto-correct facility whenever the user enters a “new” manufacturer, that`s potentially a duplicate of an existing manufacturer. It contains several decades of
all mapped to CAWIS standard manufacturer spellings Term_type_codes 1 - AIRCRAFT 2 - ENGINE 3 - PROPELLER 4 - EQUIPMENT |
List of Data sources for addition/revision to the Manufacturer/Model tables
Data Sources | Description |
CAWIS-1 Manual Input | The tables were entered into old CAIS by a single Technical Inspector (TI) in the 1980’s using the model standards used on the NAPA Type_Certificate_data_sheet for each model. New Mfg/models are entered by the TI’s to this day, as needed. |
CAWIS-2 TI Entry during Airworthiness Directive (AD) Input | Generally, the TI’s only post Airworthiness Directives with predefined/NAPA-type-approved products. However, its occasionally necessary to post an “Equipment” type AD against a manufacturing company never previously encountered by CAWIS. In this instance the AD data entry facility allows entry of new manufacturers. The Country-code of the newly published AD is assigned as the TCH (type_certificate_holder/state-of-design) country for this new manufacturer |
CAWIS-3 CLIENT or CAWIS user data entry on 5008 or AAIR page | A CAWIS user on the 5008 data entry page, can create a new Mfg/Models under product_types (A,E,P,F,S) An external client can create a new Mfg/models during AAIR submission under product_types (E,P,F,S) |
CCARCS -1- (Canadian Civil Aircraft Register) | CAWIS pulls aircraft register data from CCARCS, daily. Any previously unseen Manufacturer/Model (Common Name/Model Name) combinations found on CARS_DAILY_CAIS_MASTER are saved to Y60/TR24/Y61/Y62 and marked for review by the TI’s. Important note: CCARCS posts mfg/models as they are found on the data plate of the aircraft. CAWIS posts mfg/models as they appear on the Type-Certificate data sheets found in NICO. |
CCARCS-2 | The CCARCS “long” manufacturer name description (ID_PLATE_MANUFACTURERS_NAME from CARS_DAILY_CAIS_MASTER) is added to Z980 and mapped to an existing CAWIS manufacturer. If its unsuccessful in finding a match, a new CAWIS manufacturer Mfg/model is allocated under Type Q |
NAPA (NATIONAL AERONAUTICAL PRODUCT APPROVAL SYSTEM) | NAPA company name (TC_HOLDER from V_CAW_TC_HOLDER_NAPA@NNPRODC.WORLD) is added to Z980 and mapped to an existing CAWIS manufacturer. If unsuccessful, a new CAWIS manufacturer Mfg/model is allocated under Type Q |
FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) SDR DATA | FAA SDR data is stored on the temporary table M70_SDR_TRANSIT during data import. FAA MFG/MODEL data standards differ from CAWIS format in lengths (6/12) vs (20/20). A,E,P,Q type mfg/models are evaluated against the conversion table Y72_FAA_MODEL_CONVERSION (which is auto-updated during the procedure) . Where a conversion to CAWIS standards cannot be accomplished, a new MFG/MODEL is added to the CAWIS tables |
AD (AIRWORTHINESS DIRECTIVE) | C10_AI_PRODUCT_MAKE_MODEL | used for assignment of mfg/models to Airworthiness Directives |
AMOC (ALTERNATIVE MEANS OF COMPLIANCE) | C23_AMOC_PRODUCT_MAKE_MODEL | used for assignment of mfg/models to AMOCs |
AMOC | C30_AMOC_ENGINE_PROPELLER | used for assignment of specific E/P mfg/models and serial numbers to AMOCs |
TSB (TRANSPORTATION SAFETY BOARD PROJECTS) | M32_TSB_PRODUCT_MAKE_MODEL | used for assignment of mfg/models to TSB projects |
WSDRS (WEB SERVICE DIFFICULTY REPORTING SYSTEM) | M73_SDR_PRODUCT_MAKE_MODEL | used for assignment of A/E/P/Q mfg/models to Service diffficulty reports |
WSDRS | Y72_FAA_MODEL_CONVERSION | used for conversion of FAA mfg/models to CAWIS mfg/model standards during import/export operations |
WSDRS | TR87_USER_TATC | used for assignment of Mfg/models to WSDRS Type Certificate Holder accounts (TCH) - this allows the inspectors to forward SDR’s to the organizations responsible for that product’s design |
5008 / AAIR | Y04_AIRCRAFT_CONFIGURATION | used for assignment of Mfg/models to specific aircraft (5008 file) - This allows CAWIS to fill in the full configuration of any given aircraft throughout all the other CAWIS subsystems |
SIGS (SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS) | Y63_SIG_PRODUCT_MAKE_MODEL | used for assignment of mfg/models to Special Interest groups, for use in the Distribution/Mailing subsystem |
PTS (PROJECT TRACKING SYSTEM) | Y71_PTS_PRODUCT_MAKE_MODEL | used for assignment of mfg/models to projects |
PTS | Y70_PROJECT_COMPONENT | used for assignment of specific mfg/models & serial numbers to TSB projects |
Admin/Routing | A40_PMM_RESPONSIBLE_OTI | was never used - table is empty |
SI (Service Information) | M41_SI_PRODUCT_MAKE_MODEL | The SI Subsytem no longer exists on the CAWIS menu, but the data/tables still remain. This was used for assignment of mfg/models to Service Bulletins issued by the product manufacturers. The data from this module is also stored on Tab 5 of CAWISPROJECTS_REPORT.XLSX available from the CAWIS reports menu |