Manufacturer/Model Maintenance
From the CAWIS main menu, go to
main menu → Code table Admin → Make-Model
Available functions :
search (model or model substring)
Advanced Search
New model
Basic Search Example :
Note : this function should be made to search Data_compression(input_value) like %Data_compression(model_id)% when returning results
Advanced Search
Note : the default radio button should be set to ALL in both sections. The ALL button should be moved to the far left in both cases.
From this page, the user can search by Product_type & Manufacturer (+ optional Model Substring)
The Type-Certificate section of the page shows the NAPA / NICO type approval code list in the dropdown. Selecting one or more codes, maps those Type-approval codes back to all the MFG/models in CAWIS holding those codes.
Search Results page
column | description |
ACTIVE/INACTIVE | a mfg/model is set to Active if there are instances of it on currently registered aircraft. A model is set to INACTIVE when all instances of it, leave the Canadian register. This flag determines which mfg/models will appear in the dropdowns on the Airworthiness Directive page, as INACTIVE models do not appear, and are not monitored for new AD’s. See also “Models to be reactivated report”, down below |
TYPE | product type (A-aircraft, E-engine, P-propeller, Q-equipment, F-float, S-skis) |
MANUFACTURER | manufacturer of this product |
MODEL | model as it appears on the type certificate data sheet |
TATC CODE | Type Approval - or - Type Certificate code from NICO associated with this product. Can also include TC Exceptions |
COUNTRY | Type Certificate Holder Country - or - State of Design for this product |
A/C COUNT | Number of Aircraft on the current register using this mfg/model |
Modifying a model
2 - SELECT FROM LIST - then click on the manufacturer (or click the Modify button at the bottom)
The View button - a read-only display of the info for this model
The Delete button - will only work if this model is not in use anywhere in the system (WSDRS, SIGS, TSB, PTS, AD, 5008)
NAME (or Common Name) | Manufacturer name The Manufacturer is “selectable” during an ADD, but unchangeable afterward. When errors are found, where the wrong manufacturer is assigned to several models, a backend data cleanup is required as outlined here : There is no function to perform this task. |
LEGAL NAME | The Legal name is auto-assigned during a manufacturer ADD (tied to Common Name on y56) It is unchangeable during a mfg/model ADD or MODIFY. This can only by altered under the Manufacturer maintenance option on the Administration menu. |
COUNTRY | Type Certificate Holder - or - State of Design assigned to this manufacturer. This can only by altered under the Manufacturer maintenance option on the Administration menu. |
PRODUCT TYPE | Product types , A-aircraft, E-engine, P-propeller, Q-equipment, F-float, S-ski. Can only be assigned to a mfg/model during an ADD. It is unchangeable after that. |
MODEL | 20 character limit. Defaults : 1 - A default model called “FLOAT” exists for every FLOAT manufacturer 2 - A default model called “SKI” exists for every SKI manufacturer 3 - A default model called “PROPELLER” exists for every PROPELLER manufacturer 4 - When the Product Type is Q , the model is always Equipment and there is always 1 equipment record for every manufacturer on y60 5 - All Owner Maintenance (flight authority C ) have models that are suffixed with “X” ( This is a business rule from the 1990’s) 6 - a model is considered “aliased” if it occurs under another manufacturer and has the same NICO-TATC-code. All airworthiness directives, projects etc, which apply to one mfg/model, also apply to the aliased mfg/model. This is auto-maintained.
Hidden function Existing models can be altered. Changing 7AB, to 7ABCD, will alter every occurrence of value-1 to value-2 throughout ALL CAWIS subsystems. This is a highly useful tool, in that when bad models are identified, they can either
NOTE : any new table added to CAWIS pertaining to mfg/model must be incorporated into the global model change function |
AIRCRAFT CATEGORY | Only appears for Product-type = A models. Allocated during an ADD, changeable during a modify. However, there are edit rules on 5008 modify page which will be impacted by a radical category change. ie) changing an AEROPLANE to a GLIDER, will hide any engine/propeller models on any 5008 page associated to this Aircraft mfg/model and possibly raise errors 1-AEROPLANE |
ENGINE CATEGORY | Only appears for Product-type = E models. Allocated during an ADD, changeable during a modify. A-RECIPROCATING |
GROUP CODE | Group codes “bundle” together similar type aircraft (7A, 7AC, for example) for SDR trend analysis. They are allocated during an ADD and can be modified anytime afterward from the select list. Some defaults are AMTR for Amateur built products or simply a repeat of Manufacturer name if the model is very unique. Group Codes are maintained by the CAW Inspectors. |
PERSONNEL CODE | A 2 digit code denoting the CAW Inspector responsible for this mfg/model. This is used to direct SDR reports to the inbox of the designated TI. In the old WSDRS (pre 2007) Personnel codes were allocated with a single user tied to a single manufacturer and they were more simply maintained. Now many manufacturers are split over 3 or 4 inspectors causing much confusion when new personnel are hired. There is no interface in CAWIS to deal with personnel codes in bulk, when new hires occur in CAW, so it usually needs to be done on the backend. |
ACTIVE | a mfg/model is set to Active if there are instances of it on currently registered aircraft. A model is set to INACTIVE when all instances of it, leave the Canadian register. The only effect this has, is to keep it from appearing in the AD webpage dropdowns. This flag is auto-maintained by the overnight job which reviews which aircraft are on the current register. A Canadian mfg/model is NEVER set to inactive since TC always has responsibility for these products. An “aliased” mfg/model is not set to inactive if instances of that model occur under another manufacturer on the current register. See also “Models to be reactivated report”, down below |
ASSOCIATED ADS | List of Airworthiness Directives associated to this model and links to those documents |
ADD (BUTTON) | Allows the user to ADD this mfg/model onto the applicability of any Airworthiness Directive (C10 table) |
ADD FROM PRODUCT (BUTTON) | Allows the user to AD applicabilities FROM another mfg/model onto this new mfg/model (C10) (example: when a variant Boeing 747 model appears on the registers, the inspectors need to apply all the AD’s pertaining to the other 747’s onto this new one) |
REMOVE (BUTTON) | Allows the user to Remove this mfg/model from the applicability of any listed AD (highlight radio button, click remove) |
TC CODE | Type certificate - or - Type Approval code from NICO. Lookup the TC code, or apply a TC exception |
TC EXCEPTION | A check mark appears here if the user has selected one of the TC exceptions for TC Code ( ‘NOT’,'NOT CERTIFICATED','NOT IDENTIFIED') |
CAST ICAO | Sourced from a series of ICAO tables prefixed with “X”. This data has not been updated since 2001. |
SEARCH CAST/ICAO | The inspectors occasionally map CAST/ICAO values to new models. Rarely used. Does not appear anywhere else in CAWIS |
NOTES | free form text notes regarding this mfg/model |
Example of CAST/ICAO mapping
Note : The CAST/ICAO data in the x* tables dates back to 2001.
Example of TC Code selection
Example of “ADD FROM PRODUCT” (copying AD applicability from one model to another)
Example of Personnel Code dropdown (showing Userid or Username here would be more helpful)
Example of Group code search
Example of Aircraft category dropdown
Example of engine category dropdown
Models to be reactivated report
When ALL instances of a given type-certified Mfg/model leave the current register, that model is marked INACTIVE, and is no longer monitored for new Airworthiness Directives. If/when this mfg/model reappears on the current register, the TI needs to perform a full AD review of that product. This report provides a list of models requiring reactivation.
Note: the ONLY function of the Active/Inactive indicator on Y62 is to determine which mfg/models will appear in the dropdowns on AD web