Airworthiness Directives - The Public query page

Airworthiness Directives - The Public query page

Located at :

external - https://wwwapps.tc.gc.ca/Saf-Sec-Sur/2/cawis-swimn/AD_h.aspx

internal - https://tcapps.tc.gc.ca/Saf-Sec-Sur/2/cawis-swimn/ad_qs1.aspx


fig 1 - General information


fig 2 - Recent AD’s

Same rules for recent ADs as are found on the quick search for internal CAWIS Users

Airworthiness Directives - Quick Search



fig 3 - quick search by Mark or Ad number

Mostly the same rules for recent ADs as are found on the quick search for internal CAWIS Users

Airworthiness Directives - Quick Search




EXCEPTION : If an aircraft, search is done against an aircraft having models where an AD review is still in progress (anything appearing on the “NOT” REPORT (TC EXCEPTIONS ) -or- the “Models to be reactivated” REPORT (INACTIVE MODELS ) ) , the user will receive the message shown below until such time as ALL models associated with that aircraft have been marked ACTIVE and have been allocated a NICO tatc-code.

fig 4 - aircraft with unreviewed Aircraft/engine/propeller models



fig 5 - The Advanced search

functions the same as it does for TC users internally