CCARCS To NAPA Nightly job Fixes

CCARCS To NAPA Nightly job Fixes

If you get a notification email of Errors exists in CCARCS_LOAD_ERRORS Table



You will need to Search in NACIS or NAPA System tables to see the Error message in CCARCS Interface Errors.

Click ok on Search to see the list and details.

(NOTE You should also look into CCARCS Transactions Outstanding (User Action)

This will show a history of issues related to that aircraft. See bottom You may need to match Aircraft Makes and models etc.)




Then you can investigate VIA CCARCS and CO_AC in System tables to see what is needed to be done.

Search CCARCS web to see the registration

CCAR Web - Quick Search (tc.gc.ca)


When I examined CO_AC there were no Current aircraft for that Registration. So I searched on the Serial number in CCARCS and NACIS and found an older record (Registration FHMJ)



So I copied that row and gave it a new Sequence number and modified the registration and Company name.



Another Error:

In this example you have a historical version so you can Either Remove the end date from the row.

(Registration, Owner and Serial number match)


You may need to Copy the row of data and modify the Sequence, start date.



Once Complete remove the Error from the CCARCS interface Errors table so the process will run the next day.


You should also look into CCARCS Transactions Outstanding (User Action)

This will show a history of issues related to that aircraft.



When you get a “Model not found on Model lookup table”

You need to search for the corresponding Make/model in Tables Product Model and Product Make in System tables and enter the correct sequence numbers into the user action table.

Delete the error from CCARCS Interface Errors. and check again the next day.