Issue Final Button Disabled (Mod and TC)

Issue Final Button Disabled (Mod and TC)

There are several reasons the issue final button may be disabled

  1. The Project is not approved.

  2. The Certificate requires a recreate or a remerge.

  3. The User is running in historical mode. (Modified under Options window).

  4. The User is not in the correct logged on region.

  5. If the project was switched from 1 project type to another, there may be a flag incorrectly set. (Developer assistance required)

6. The project has already been issued. The certificate summary and certificate tabs would be disabled

If changes need to be made clients can use the Options menu to go into Historical mode.


Set the Historical input mode MODS to checked  

They can then modify the project. NOTE: Changes to issued projects will be sent to NICO and a new PDF of the updated Certificate will be generated by the NAPA/NDWL emailer application in a few minutes