Export to Excel not working in NAPA

Export to Excel not working in NAPA

If you get an error about changing the page layout, the Citrix environment may have reset the Printers and the default printer is not set correctly. (Excel tries to set the page layout to Landscape)

Have the user reselect the default printer (or PDF printer) in CITRIX.

They can then export to Excel again.


To reset/set your default printer in CITRIX.

Open a list window (Project list etc)

To open Project list go to Project search and click ok


Go into file menu and click Print (With list window open and in focus)


The printer Dialog will open.

Right click on the desired available printers and choose set as default.


If the desired printer already shows as default, select another printer and set as default and reselect the original and set as default again.

Cancel your print job