Clearing approval number on TC Projects

Clearing approval number on TC Projects

When a model is given the wrong class and an approval number has been generated you will need to clear the approval number from the project so a correct approval number can be generated.


Go into system tables and search for the ta_num in TA_APPL. (example E-43 is incorrect (E=Engine) Model Class of model was changed to Import Engine should be an IE-XX number)

NOTE: If multiple rows exist then you should not be clearing the number, the user should create a new project instead. (You cannot have different Classes on the same approval)

Open the Detail and delete the value in TA_NUM

Then save and close the system tables TA_APPL window.

Open the Project in NAPA and click on the Get approval number button to generate a new number for the project (Once the Model(s) has had the class changed, if not already changed).


(NOTE: If you do not have update access to System tables and are a NAPA System Administrator, you need to search for yourself in the TC person module and change your TC group to Aircraft Certification save.

Then logout and restart NAPA)