Fixing Approval/Certificate number on MOD Certificates

Fixing Approval/Certificate number on MOD Certificates

Sometimes if the model is incorrectly classified the approval number is not correct.

NOTE: This should only be done if it is issue 1 of the project.

Example a Fixed wing Aircraft (A) was entered as a Helicopter (H) or an Engine (E).


You will need to use System Tables to clear out the Certificate Number.


First search the MOD_PROJ table for the matching project number.

Open the Project detail and Make a note of the MOD_ID_NUM

Then Search in system tables Mod Project Revision (MOD_APRV_RVS) for that matching MOD_ID_NUM

(You should only get 1 Project since it is issue1)


Open the List and detail

Delete the value in Aprv_num and save the record.

(NOTE: If you do not have update access to System tables and are a NAPA System Administrator, you need to search for yourself in the TC person module and change your TC group to Aircraft Certification save.

Then logout and restart NAPA)

Go back to regular NAPA Search and search the Project the regular way.

Open the Project Detail Certificate Summary tab and use the get Approval Number button to generate the correct approval number. Save the project.